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Action to be taken in case Fire in the Pump Room

1. Shout 'Fire in the Pump Room' loudly many times. 
2. Sound the Fire alarm from nearest point. 
3. Stop cargo Operations and shut all necessary cargo valves including the manifold valve. 
4. Announce the location of fire, to the ship's staff, via PA system. 
5. If in port, Inform port control, port fire Brigade and company agent. 
6. Carry out master's order. 
7. Fight the fire all available means, if not tackled with in five minutes
    * Evacuate any person Inside 
    * shut of blowers of Pump room 
    * Seal off all sources of inlet of air. 
    * Release CO2
    * Carry out boundary cooling if required. 
8. After the fire is fully extinguished, man entry thereafter must be allowed only :
    * After proper ventilation
    * Under proper Supervision. 
9. Appropriate entries must be made in ship's logbook. 
10. The master would make appropriate entry in the Official logbook. 

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