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MARPOL, Annex - V, International Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ship

Garbage means all kind of food, domestic and operational waste, excluding fresh fish, generated during the normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposal of continuously. 
                      Garbage is covered by Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 which entered into force on 31 December 1988.
Plastic is prohibited to discharge in water everywhere. 

Special Areas for Garbage :-

  • (M) Mediterranean Sea
  • (B) Baltic Sea
  • (B) Black Sea
  • (A) Antarctic Sea 
  • (R) Red Sea 
  • (P) Persian Gulf
  • (N) North Sea
  • (W) Wider Caribbean Area

Application :- Regulation 9 of Annex V state that 

  1. All ship of 400 Grt or more and ship carry 15 person must have Garbage Record Book & Garbage Management Plan. 
  2. To every fixed/floating platform must have Garbage Record Book. 
  3. Every ship of 12 meter Or more in length to Display Placard for Garbage Disposal. 
  4. Every ship of 100 Grt & above and certified to carry 15 persons or more shall have Garbage Management Plan. 

Garbage Management Plan :-

All ship of 400 Grt and above and every ship certified to carry 15 person or more must have Garbage Management Plan. A Garbage Management Plan should

  • Designate the person responsible for carrying out the plan. 
  • Provide written procedures for collecting, storing, processing and disposing of garbage. 
  • Contain written procedures for the use of equipment on board. 
  • Be in the working language of the crew. 
  • Approved by administration. 
  • Record must be kept for 2 years.

Garbage Category :- 

          Garbage is grouped into category for the purpose of the garbage record book

         PART - I                                  

'A' - Plastic
'B' - Food Wastes
'C' - Domestic Wastes
'D' - Cooking Oil
'E' - Incinerator Ash
'F' - Operational Wastes 
'G' - Animal Carcasses
'H' - Fishing Gear 
'I'  - E-waste

         PART - II

'J' - Cargo Residues ( Non - HME) 
'K'- Cargo Residues ( HME) 

Garbage Record Book :-

As per regulation 9 of Annex V, all ship of 400 gross tonnage and above and every ship certified to carry 15 person or more, and every fixed or floating platform must have a Garbage Record Book. 
       The date, time, position of ship, description of the garbage and the estimated amount in ㎥ discharged into the sea, incinerated, discharged to reception facilities or accidentally discharged must be logged and signed. Receipt must be obtained from shore reception facilities specifying the estimated amount of garbage transferred. 
        The garbage book must be kept on board for a period of two years after the date of last entry. 

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