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Sea Area as per GMDSS

 What are the Sea Area as per GMDSS ?

GMDSS system sub divides the world into 4 main geographical sea area, that are GMDSS Sea Area 'A1' 'A2' 'A3' and 'A4'. As per SOLAS, The communication range of the different type of radio communication systems carried onboard. 

Sea Area A1 :- Sea area within the range of at least one VHF Coast Station in which continuous DSC alerting is available.(about 20-50 NM from Coast Station)
Radio and Satellite Communication Equipment:- VHF Radio and RT, NAVTEX Receiver - Automatic Reception of MSI (Maritime Safety Information) 
Automatic and Portable Radio Equipment:- 406 MHz EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) , VHF handheld radio

Sea Area A2 :- Excluding Sea Area A1, within the radio telephone range of at least one MF Coast Station in which continuous DSC alerting is available. (about 100 Miles from coast station)
Radio and Satellite Communication Equipment:- MF radio - DSC & RT and The equipment included for sea area A1
Automatic and Portable Radio Equipment:- 406 MHz EPIRB, SART, VHF handheld radio

Sea Area A3 :- Excluding Sea Area A1 and A2,within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available. this covers the area between roughly 76° N & 76° S.
Radio and Satellite Communication Equipment:- HF radio - DSC OR INMARSAT - satellite communication and The equipment included for sea area A1 & A2 and System for reception of MSI (Maritime Safety Information) in sea area A3 (EGC or Radio Telex)  
Automatic and Portable Radio Equipment:- 406 MHz EPIRB, SART, VHF handheld radio

Sea Area A4 :- Outside Sea Area A1, A2 and A3. (above 70° N and below 70° S)
Radio and Satellite Communication Equipment:- HF radio - DSC and The equipment included for Sea Area A1 & A2
Automatic and Portable Radio Equipment:- 406 MHz EPIRB, SART, VHF handheld radio

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