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Bunker Checklist

Bunkering Safety Checklist

The Person-in-charge of receiving bunkers must take all measures prior, during and on completion of bunkering to avoid any oil spillage by ensuring that

•All persons to take part in this operation have been briefed for strict adherence to the procedures. Standing instructions that are issued by the Charterers/Owners and local rules and regulations with the supplier have been discussed. Specifications of bunkers to be received have been checked and verified for suitability.

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• An effective communication system has been established with ship staff, shore staff or barge crew. An alternative system is agreed upon, in case of failure of the main one.

• The displaced atmosphere in the tanks to be bunkered can escape freely from the air vent pipes.

• The amount of fuel to be received can be safely accommodated in the available tank spaces. Expected soundings of tanks on

• completion of bunkers has been calculated.

• The type of fuel, quantity & unit of measurement being used are well defined. MSDS are available.

• Bunker system valves not in use are closed.

• Bunker system connections not in use are blank flanged.

• The piping system is lined up correctly.

• All deck scuppers are effectively sealed (i.e. plugged and / or cemented).

• Mooring lines are being attended regularly.

• Oil booms, if carried, are ready for quick launching.

• Drip trays are kept in position below connections and air vents.

• Hoses are checked for condition, properly connected and supported.

• SOPEP kit is readily available for use.

• The valves to the tanks designated to receive the first incoming bunkers are open.

• The bunker line filters are clean.

• The flow meter (if provided) has been re-set to record or reading noted.

• The vessel's representative to confirm flow meter reading or and tank sounding at the delivery point or barge and record same.

• Fire-fighting appliances such as hoses and correct type of extinguishers are kept in readiness.

• COLREG and Local signals as required are displayed.

• All requirements as per MARPOL Annex I regulations are adhered.

• Bunker hoses and connections are not leaking; fuel is being received only in tanks where filling valves are open.

• Check whether flow rate can now slowly be increased.

• Pressure is reduced in tanks being topped up, either by slowing down the rate of the incoming bunkers or by controlled flow to the

• next tank(s) to be loaded.

• Filling is changed over to assigned tanks well in time.

• Valves to loaded tanks are closed and finished sounding/ullage is maintained, whilst other tanks are being loaded.

• Ample warning is given to the supply point before the final notification for the interruption of the flow.

• Ample ullage space is left in the last tank to allow for draining of the hoses and for relief of any air locks in the system.

• Calculations are done before disconnecting, to satisfaction of both the parties.

• Hoses are drained before disconnecting.

• Bunker system valves are closed.

• Hoses are capped as soon as they are disconnected.

• Bunker system connections are blank flanged as soon as hoses are disconnected.

• Fuel line and all tank filling valves are securely closed.

• Final soundings or ullages of all fuel tanks have been taken. Ample space is left for expansion.

• Sample from manifold and sealed sample from approved suppliers to be retained on board.

• Bunker Delivery note obtained from the supplier with proper details

• Record bunkering operations in Oil Record Book. Also record quantity received in the logbooks.

Date: _____________________


  Person in-charge of Bunkering

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