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Enclosed Spaces Entry Precautions

 Precautions before entering a dangerous space 

The following precautions should be taken as appropriate before a potentially dangerous space is entered, so as to make the space safe for entry without breathing apparatus and to ensure it remains safe whilst persons are within the space. 

• A competent person should make an assessment of the space and the authorised officer shall take charge of the operation. 

• The potential hazards should be identified. 

• The space should be prepared, vented and secured for entry. 

• A work permit for entry into enclosed space should be used and which will have pre-entry preparations & checks as under:

• The atmosphere of the space to be tested; 

• The competent person to ensure that the atmosphere of space being entered is checked at regular intervals and after breaks; 

• Rescue and Resuscitation equipment are made available at the entrance to the enclosed space;

• Access arrangements and illumination are adequate;

• Communications have been tested and are satisfactory; 

• The competent person has been briefed about his duty at the entrance including testing communication at agreed intervals;

• All the equipment that may be used including BA sets are tested and in satisfactory condition;

• Personnel entering the space are familiar with the use of BA sets;

• Personnel entering the space are using appropriate PPE;

• Officer on watch has been informed of the planned entry;

• Persons entering are provided with portable gas measuring instruments and made aware that the space must be vacated immediately in the event of ventilation failure or if atmosphere tests show a change from agreed safe criteria; and 

• Emergency and evacuation procedures established and understood by all personnel involved with the enclosed space entry;

• If breathing apparatus has to be used for making entry personnel shall be provided with rescue harnesses and, where practicable, lifelines

• On expiry of the permit to work, everyone should leave the space and the entrance to the space should be closed or otherwise secured against entry or, alternatively, where the space is no longer a dangerous space, declared safe for normal entry.

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