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ISPS Security Level

 What is Security Level 1,2 & 3 ?

The ISPS Code is based on three security levels, when there is a hightened  risk of security incident, the security level is raised. Ships and Terminals are then required to take extra protective security measures. There are therefore three designated levels of security under ISPS as follows :


The normal situation, with a number of standard protective security measures.

  1. Normal Security Measures
  2. No Unauthorised Access.
  3. Checking visitors identity, Record to be Kept.
  4. Segregate checked Person
  5. Randomly baggage search i.e. 2 out of 10.
  6. Stores/restricted Area to be locked.
  7. Stores Receiving to be checked.
  8. Patrolling in hours of darkness. 


There is a hightened risk of a security incident, Additional protective security measures are maintained. 
  1. Only one way access, No unauthorised access.
  2. Checking visitors identity, Records, Segregated.
  3. 100% escorting the visitors.
  4. 100% Baggage search.
  5. 100% Receiving stores checked.
  6. All doors, Accommodation, stores, restricted areas (clearly marked), must be locked & sealed, checking regularly.
  7. Extra watch keepers at night, patrolling decks.
  8. 100% stowaway search prior to Departure.


This level applying for period of time,when probable or imminent risk of securing of security incident.

  1. Suspension of cargo Loading/Discharging.
  2. Suspension of receiving stores.
  3. Main engines are always kept ready.
  4. No person is allowed to access without the authorisation of port facility officials.
  5. No shore leave of crew.
  6. Full stowaway search with port facility,also underwater hull search.
  7. In case, store permitted to receive by port facility officials 100% stores to be checked at Gangway.

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