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What is BNWAS ?

Bridge Navigation Watch Alaram System

Mandatory for all ships above 150 GT from 1st July 2014.

Purpose :-  To ensure wheel house is actively manned. 

About Equipment :- 

•It is a simple alarm clock. 
•Which gives alarm at fixed regular interval, by default every 3 minute. 
•It can be increased in term of 3 minute, time interval i.e. 3,6,9,12 with maximum permissible till 12 min. 
•Time interval is decided by the master of ship. 
•IMO says it should be password protected equipment or with unique key which will be with the master. 
•Switching ON/OFF automatically when steering switched from Auto/Manual.

Modes :-

Auto Mode :- Switching on only when steering of vessel is changed from hand steering to Auto Pilot. 

Manual Mode :- Switch On/Off Manually. 

Three stages of Alarm :-

1st Stage Alarm :- Which is compulsory and restricted to wheelhouse. First alarm is always visual alarm in term of flashing lights for a period of 15 Second. If OOW unacknowledged the visual alarm, there will be audio or video alarm for another 15 sec. i.e. first stage alarm is for a total period of 30 sec. If bypass second stage is activated. 

2nd Stage Alarm :- this is not compulsory, second stage alarm is in backup officer's cabin. Alarm will be both audio and visual. Time available to acknowledge is 90 second. If not acknowledge within 90 second alarm will go in third stage. 

3rd Stage Alarm :- In 3rd stage alarm will go master's cabin and through out the vessel and keep on ringing and lights flashing till it is acknowledge by someone on board vessel. 

Acknowledgement switch should be located at these minimum areas

• At the equipment itself
• At the steering panel
• Near the Radar (each RADAR) 
• In the Chart room, if ECDIS (each ECDIS) 
• In each of the Bridge Wing

Equipment shall also be provided with a summoned switch when pressed for a period of time specified by the the manufacturer shall give an alarm, which helps you or facilitate the OOW to summoned additional human resources in the shortest possible time. Acknowledgement switch in the backup officer cabin or in master cabin shall be located near the exit door to their cabins. 
Equipment should be connected to Voyage Data Recorder for evidence. 

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