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Rate of Turn Indicator or ROTI

Rate of Turn Indicator

It indicates the instantaneous rate at which ship is turning.

Purpose - It is used to monitor the turn.

Requirement - All ships having GRT ≥ 50000
As per IMO recommendations, large course alteration to be planned along circular track with WOP ( wheel over point ) marked and the progress of the ship continuously monitor.

Draw angle bisector ∠AOB
• Choose any point on angle bisector preferably a point which can be track by RADAR.
• Draw perpendicular from this refrence point to course line that meets at A & B.

Say P is refrence point for executing turn
∠A + ∠O + ∠B + ∠P = 360°
∠O + ∠P = 180°
∠P = Ө

• Draw an arc from P with PA radius.
• The ship while altering course will move along this arc.

Monitoring the Turn- 

Range remain same from refrence point.
Refrence point is always abeam to ships fore and aft.
Rate or turn indicator.

Distance traveled along the arc AB=R𝚹 ͨ 

( Where R is radius & 𝚹 ͨ  is radian speed V kts )

So the time taken to travel AB i.e.

t = AB/V = R𝚹 ͨ / V         
{Note:-  speed = dis./t }
t = R𝚹 ͨ x 60 / V min 

ROT per min = 𝚹° / t                                       ( 𝚹° x V ) / ( R𝚹 ͨ x 60 )  
= ( 𝚹° x V x 57.3 ) / ( R𝚹° x 60 )                       {note :- 𝚹 ͨ = 𝚹°/57.3 }
 = (57.3 x V )/ (60 x R )

ROT per min.=0.95 x V/ R

Advantages of ROTI :-

The turn can be pre-planned and required ROT can be pre-calculated, Execution of Turn becomes simple.
The turn can be easily monitored while it is being executed.
Since the turn is pre-planned,the use of helm is minimising and thereby loss of speed is also reduced.
Even the ship has drifted to port or starboard, the turn can be easily amended to bring her on track. 

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